Christ Billy Aryanto

Music Psychology & Educational Psychology,
Researcher & Educator


Christ Billy Aryanto, S.Psi., M.A., M.Si., Ph.D, AFHEA is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in Jakarta. He is currently the head of the master in psychology programme. He earned his Bachelor in Psychology and Master of Science in Educational Psychology degrees from the Universitas Indonesia and Master of Arts in Psychology of Music and Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Sheffield, UK.His research interest includes music psychology, cognitive psychology, educational psychology, and positive psychology. He is currently teaching undergraduate courses such as General Psychology, Motivation in Education, and Observation and Interview Method.He is a co-founder of Psikologi Musik Indonesia and a flautist who has played at various orchestras and ensembles. Read his academic CV here.


My research interest involves how people use music in everyday life related to various aspects of human psychology, such as cognitive abilities and well-being.I am also conducting basic and applied research on executive functions, subjective well-being, and motivations.You can check the update of my publications on Google Scholar.


Undergraduate and Master Thesis Supervision
If you want to know the topic that I have supervised, please check the list here.
If you are student at Atma Jaya and currently looking for a research assistant opportunityI am currently working on several research projects that would need voluntary research assistants. Some of the projects are:
*Musical sophistication, goal orientation, learning style, and self efficacy on academic achievement (Together with Dr. Weny Savitry S. Pandia, M.Si., Psikolog)
*Factors affecting physical and mental health on wind instrumental players (Together with Dr. Retha Arjadi, M.Psi., Psikolog)
*Validation of Triarchic Model of Grit Scale
Please get in touch with me if you are interested in the project or open to volunteer in other projects.


Contact me through my social media accounts below, or mail me through the following email

[email protected]